Monday, November 24, 2014

Today's Read

Susanne Walker from Bloomberg tries to explain why bond yields globally are the record low levels. Supply exceeding demand, duh! According JP Morgan, next year, net issuance of bonds, not sure what kind but may be all kind of bonds, will be $2.4 trillion while demand will only be $2 trillion. According to them the ECB and BoJ alone with buy $400 billion and $700 billion of bonds next year, which is more than $1 trillion bought this year including by the Fed.

Dr. Krugman argues that when the economy hits rock-bottom, “the usual rules of economic policy no longer apply: virtue becomes vice, caution is risky and prudence is folly.” Government spending doesn’t compete with private investment — it actually promotes business spending. This is akin to Singularity in physics, when all laws of physics break down. Kind of makes sense. If you go with that argument the whole debate about fiscal prudence i.e. in Japan, Germany and in the Republican circles becomes irrelevant because the classical relationship on which the argument is based on goes away.
Powerful People Behaving Badly
The Turkish President made a fool of himself with this asinine comments, "Men and Women are Not Equal"

We have another Wall Street "big swinging dick", the CEO of Delphi Financial Group, Robert Rosenkranz, behaving badly. He had an affair but that's not the bad part because who on Wall Street does not ;-), but the bad behavior is not paying his mistress as promised. Now the mistress is spilling beans.

This cartoon from The New Yorker magazine expresses the sentiment towards those Alpha Males.